Remediating an Entire Building’s Frame

Complete remediation of your building’s frame for lasting strength and safety

australia towers

A contractor was engaged to remove and replace the combustible cladding on a three-story building. As the project commenced the contractor terminated the contract when they identified the scale of the water damage to the existing framing and building. In their view the building needed to be demolished.

This can be an issue when work commences to fix an easily identifiable problem but, in the process, identifies other structural damage which requires a broader, more comprehensive solution.

PASG Projects Analysis and Scope of Project

After the contract termination, PASG Projects were engaged to work with another contractor to assess the building, define the scope of works, and obtain a rectification cost that the owner’s committee could afford.

PASG Projects Role

PASG Projects met the requirements of the Owner’s Committee and was appointed as the Superintendent of the Contract with responsibility for remediating the entire building’s frame which had rotted through, removing the black mould, and re-membraning and tiling the balconies.

With the building’s water ingress issues addressed and waterproofing completed, PASG Projects drafted a contract for replacing the combustible cladding on the entire building with a non-combustible alternative. In addition, PASG Projects negotiated some extra funding for the project.

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